Monday, June 26, 2006

Exercise Ball and Core Muscles

Core training is an important part to any exercise program.

Your core is where all movement in your body originates so it only makes sense that you must develop good core muscles and strength in that area to be as fit as possible.

Your body's "core" — the area around your trunk and pelvis — is where your center of gravity is located. These muscles provide support for your spine and, being weak in this area, your body won't move as efficiently and you will most likely experience lower back pain.

A simple task like carrying a bag of groceries can cause pain.

Can you see why it is important to develop those core muscles?

You can train your body's core without any exercise equipment at all. However, core training is best done when the body is placed in an unstable environment.

The exercise ball obviously provides that type of enviroment.

Sample Exercise Ball Exercises

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