Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cross Training

I was asked by a subscriber if, because I was really sold on fitness ball exercising, I was recommending that and nothing else.

No way dude! I've always advocated cross training.

Listen, there are lots of good exercises of all kinds and you owe it to yourself to try a variety. You don't want your routine to get stale. Keeping it interesting is one of the keys to continuing to exercise all your life.

Definitely I think the fitness ball is great and allows a wide range of exercises. But you still need an aerobic exercise. Or you may want to do some pilates (by the way, you can do them on the ball). Jump rope? Great exercise.

Dumbbell training of interest to you? Or how about hitting the heavy bag?

The point is adding variety keeps it interesting but also hits your muscles in a variety of ways and that's good for overall fitness.

My recommendation is to be certain you are getting the proper aerobic exercise weekly and to work the body's core muscles, along with a strength training routine. I've decided running 3 - 4 times a week and doing my strength training on a fitness ball, which also works my core muscles, is the best route for me to take right now as I can get more accomplished in less time.

But I do vary from time to time to keep the body guessing and do have the advantage of having exercised for years and know what works best for me. You need to work towards that and trying different ways of exercising is advantageous!