Thursday, September 29, 2005

Swiss Ball Exercises + Running = Total Fitness!

A good fitness program consists of a combination of aerobics and strength training. One excellent way to add both to your routine is running for aerobics and swiss ball exercises for strength.

Really. Running is definitely one of the best aerobic activities you can do if you are physically able to. Run for 30 minutes or more 4 times a week and you will lose weight and become very fit but . . .

You need to add some strength training to your routine. Firm up the muscles and strengthen the body. And muscle burns fat.

The swiss ball, also called the stability ball, allows you to not only develop
strength, but to develop the all important core muscles of your body. Here's just one of the many different exercises you will find in my swiss ball exercise package found at my website . . .

Swiss Ball Tips 

Prone Pull Ins on Ball

Start Position: Roll out on the ball so that your shins are on the ball and you are supported by your hands in a table top position.
Pull the ball using your feet towards your chest. While doing this bend your elbows in a pushup fashion.
Return to starting position.

Try it and see if you don't feel it in your upper body and also in the abdominal area.

The swiss ball will allow you to get more out of your exercise and get a better, more complete workout in less time.