Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Kids and Exercise

I was out driving around with my wife and we were talking about something I find very disturbing.

When we were kids, we were always outside playing.


If it was football season, we played football; baseball season, we played baseball; basketball season, we played basketball.

Our neighborhood had a team and we would play rival neighborhoods. If for some reason everyone wasn't around, we could walk around and find a pickup game.

Take a look now. Hard to find a pickup game. We have neighbors with kids - I didn't even realize they had kids because I never seen them outside playing. Kids are tied up now with computers, video games and more. Parents encourage them to watch t.v. so they know where they are. I have a friend at work who plays with his 4 year old cousin everytime he sees him. He said he always wants to play but his parents always want him to sit down and watch t.v.

I have a 2 year old grandson. For the first year and a half he and his mother lived with us. I played with him every night. Every night! Even as a baby. Started playing ball with him at 6 months old (maybe younger). Now he loves ball and is very active. The teachers told my daughter he is the only one who can throw a ball straight without an arc and is the only one who can catch the ball.

Sure, he watches t.v. . . . In between playing. We rough house all the time. My wife and I get him one weeknight a week and keep him for 1 or 2 nights on the weekend and he is always on the go. He says "C'mon Bob" (he calls me Bob most of the time. lol) and off we go. We play so much he and I are best buddies and he is always wanting to come over and do things.

I encourage you to play with your kids and get them out playing as well. It's disturbing that so many kids nowadays are overweight. Kids need to get back outdoors and start running around. You owe it to them to do your best to get them active.