Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Want To Know if a Swiss Ball Will Work For You?

Swiss ball exercises will work for you and here's a way to prove it.

Go to a sporting goods store or a friend's house where you can try the swiss ball. You should have a friend with you as a spotter since this will be the first time you try the ball . . . . . don't want you to fall off.

Now get into the crunch position. You will lay back on the ball with your lower back touching the ball. Feet are flat on the floor and your legs are pretty much parallel to the floor.

Slowly do a crunch. Feel the difference?!

You are hitting more of the muscles at one time in your core region and when you do 10 of these slowly, I think you are going to immediately want to add swiss ball exercises to your workout routine.

The next day try to hold your stomach in and you will feel where your muscles in the abs definitely got a good workout.