Thursday, September 08, 2005

Swiss Ball Exercises Strengthen the Body's Core

Exercises on the swiss ball are so effective, you'll be hearing more and more about it from me in future blogs and on my website.

Developing the body's core muscles; the area around your trunk and pelvis; is one of the most important things you can do to improve your body. A weak core is the reason behind much lower back pain.

The best exercises for your core are those that get your whole system working together at the same time. This is where exercises on the swiss ball are so effective.

While you do one exercise, your body is constantly balancing itself on the ball and all your core muscles are coming into play.

Doing the crunch for abs does not effectively do the job for you. In fact, overdeveloping one set of muscles in your abs can actually weaken the core.

I really believe the swiss ball should be incorporated into everyone's exercise routine. Combine the proper swiss ball exercises with your aerobic exercise and you will feel better and look better and have far less pain!

I will give you some excellent swiss ball exercise tips in future blogs, so make sure you bookmark this.