Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Running During Your Vacation

I decided to write this while on vacation. My wife and I are visiting her family in California. She is on kidney dialysis 3 times a week so we had to set up her appointments while here and I decided that would be the time to get my exercise in.

It's easy to forget to exercise when you go on vacation and it's understandable. But if you are going to be gone for a week or two, that's a lot of time to not exercise.

Whether you walk or run for your aerobic portion, it's really a treat to do so when you're visiting a new location. Different routes; different views.

I enjoy seeing the mountains in the background while here - something we don't have in Ohio. In fact, today I just did a hill that is at almost a 45 degree incline and is probably about 1/2 mile long. What a great view at the top - once I gave myself a small breather to recover. :-)

Took another run in the country. Took different routes each time for a different view.

Even when we went to Niagara Falls for a 3-day stay, I got up while my wife and daughter slept in the morning and went for one of my most enjoyable runs ever! Came back as they were waking up - showered and went to breakfast.

Try it the next time you vacation anywhere. All you need is your running shoes!