Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Swiss Ball Exercising

Why the sudden popularity of the Swiss Ball?

Is it just another gimmick like most of the exercise devices that are constantly showing up on your television?

Nope. It's definitely a viable exercise tool.

The key is the instability of the ball. When you lay on it to do a crunch, for example, your body needs to automatically fire more of your core muscles into play to keep you steady.

The results are you get a more thorough workout of the entire core area in the same amount of time it would take you to do a regular crunch.

But the crunch is just the tip of the iceburg. There are many more exercises to develope the core, as well as the rest of the body. You'll find some on the internet and . . . . .

Keep checking my blog. I am working on an ebook package that will give you lots of exercises on the Swiss Ball and they are animated, so it will be easy to understand exactly how to do it.