Saturday, June 25, 2005

Exercise Sitting Down

Exercise Sitting Down.

Whether you are in a wheelchair, too weak to stand for a long period, or just want a different, less stressful way to exercise, you no longer have an excuse not to exercise.

You can get a very good exercise while in your chair. Even exercise at the office or while on a trip.

Here's some examples.

Ever watch a boxer train. Shadow boxing is a big part of their exercise routine. They will move around and throw punches at the air. The sweat pours out and the breathing is heavy and the heartbeat is kicking in fulltime.

You can do a version in a chair without moving all over. Throw a few punches in the air. Throw a left, another left and follow with a right, left right. Throw a flurry of mixed punches. Throw some punches to the side.Your head automatically bobs around while throwing the punches, giving your neck a workout as well.

exercise sitting downThis is an aerobic exercise. And You are sitting down.
Now work the legs. Still sitting, lift your leg in front of you. Next, march in place. Put an emphasis on high knee lifts. Work it. Lean forward. Run in place, still sitting. Move your arms as well.

Shadow boxing. Start slowly for a warm up and start throwing a few punches. A couple of lefts. A straignt right hand punch. Mix it up. Move your upper body like you are a boxer moving around the ring. Pick it up and throw sets of continuous rights and lefts, 2, 3, 4 in a row.

I'm telling you. This is going to be a great addition to your exercising sitting down. If you're in a wheelchair, you might push your chair around backwards as well, acting like your moving away from your opponent and throwing punches at the same time. Just be sure you have the room to do this.

Are you getting the idea?