Sunday, July 17, 2005

Running for Exercise

Running is by far one of the best exercises you can do. Almost every, if not all, athletes includes running in their exercise routine. If you want to lose weight and get fit in the fastest amount of time, run.

I have been running pretty steady now since 1995. Went to the doctor as I was experiencing knee pains that were getting worse, and his first statements were it was probably due to running as it puts a strain on the muscles and ligaments and all.

Understand I tore knee cartiledge when I was younger playing football. Maybe a factor, huh?

Anyway he took x-rays and showed me the damage. But . . . . . he also was fairly surprised. He said that, even though I am in my 50's, my bone density in my legs was like that of someone in their 20's. He said maybe he was speaking out too quickly about the problems running causes and not truly seeing the benefits . . . . .

Not be mention his further surprise when he had taken my pulse rate and found it to be 52 bpm. When I was younger it was 75 bpm.

You need to get a physical before beginning to run but I'm here to tell you that running should be a part of your routine if you are physically cleared by the doctor to do so. I don't care if you throw runs into your walking. It's going to increase your aerobic capacity and you are going to be much fitter and carry less fat.

If you only do one exercise, make it running. 30 minutes a day 3 - 4 times a week - you'll feel the difference!

By the way, I did have a knee operation to repair the cartiledge damage and did not run for about 3 months, but am back at it. I noticed a huge difference physically during that time off.