Sunday, June 12, 2005

Is It a Struggle to Lose Weight?

Is it a Struggle to Lose Weight?

“I’ve put on 40 pounds in one year!” “It doesn’t matter how much I workout, I can’t lose weight.”

With nearly 4 million Americans weighing in at over 300 pounds, this is a major problem faced by countless frustrated people who can’t lose weight?

How do you combat the problem?

For starters, start exercising today. Increase water intake and cut down on starches, sugars and processed foods. Try to maintain at least one third of your daily food intake to vegetables. Ask your doctorto test your sugar levels. Change what you’re eating and get walking and/or running and you’ll be amazed as the pounds start to fall off.

But don't get carried away with watching the scales. Slow weight loss is much better because it probably means you've made some changes in your life that weren't drastic and that you can maintain.

It took awhile to gain the weight; it'll take awhile to lose it. But the main goal is to maintain a new and healthier life style with proper diet (one you can live with) and a good exercise program.