Friday, March 04, 2011

Wii Fit Plus Balance Board

The Wii Fit Plus balance board has an uncanny knack for knowing when you are doing some of the exercises properly. It will tell me when I am shaky doing the plank, for instance. When doing the yoga exercises there is a circle on the screen which you try to stay in while you are performing the stances. If you go out of that circle you are reminded that your balance needs worked on. Once you nail that spot you are feeling the exercise where you are supposed to and it brings results. The hulu hoop kind of throws me at times. I feel like I'm doing it correctly but it gives me a low score and the hoop starts to slowly drop to the ground. It gets frustrating but, at the same time, i get a good aerobic workout and good workout on the abs while I keep trying again to get it right. I definitely think you will get a lot of benefit out of the Wii Fit Plus and the balance board. The additional games are fun and challenging and also help you get some exercise without realizing it.

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