Friday, February 24, 2006

Build Mind Bogging Biceps!

First, I'm going to tell
you what the trick is, then I'm going to tell you exactly how and why it works.
Then I'm going to finish by telling you how to make the trick so powerful it'll
blow your mind!

In a nutshell, instead of
gripping the handle in the middle (as is normally taught), grip the handle with
the thumb and forefinger side of your hand pressed up against the inside of
the dumbell plates. There will be a space of several inches between your pinky
and the other side plates.

To take full advantage of
this change in your grip, start the curl with your palms facing in to your thighs,
otherwise known as a neutral or hammer grip. As you curl up, rotate your forearm
so that your palm is facing up at the top of the movement. You should feel a
strong cramping in your biceps.

Here's how and why it

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