Thursday, July 28, 2005

Warm Up Before Exercise

To get your muscles warm and loose for strength training or for your aerobic exercise, walk for five to ten minutes outside if weather permits, or inside around the house or on a treadmill if you have one.

Walking will help direct needed blood flow to your muscles and prepare your body for exercise.

Warming up is important for preventing injury or getting the most effect from your exercise, warm muscles will respond better to the challenge of exercise.

You can also do your warmups on a bike, stair stepper, rebounder. Anything that gets your muscles loosened up gradually will work as a warmup.

In addition, if you are going to be weight training, warmup with a light weight for each exercise you do. ie. biceps curl; start with 10 reps with a light dumbbell or barbell before actually beginning your bicep training.