Thursday, August 07, 2008

Wanting to Run but Not Wanting to Run

Confused? Hahaha. I know. I thought about this yesterday during one of my runs.

Many people would like to bring running into their training program but it is just so hard at times to get through a run. Especially in the beginning.

What you need to understand is you can ease into running. When you are walking, start to run for a short period until you begin to breath hard, then walk again. Many never get beyond this stage. That's fine. If you walk briskly and incorporate small periods of running, you will gain more from it then simply walking steadily.

The reality is as you continue to do this, you will find it will start taking you a little longer to run out of breath.

My niece began this way and now she is passing me up as to the number of miles she puts in running during the week. She is now doing road races as well. Now you don't have to set this as a goal or anything but my point is - your aerobic condition will begin to improve and, as it does, you may find yourself running a little more and enjoying it a lot more.

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