Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Planning Your Fitness Program

You need to establish a plan of attack for your training regime.
Unless you know what you are going to do next, you are liable to start floundering around and miss workouts or worse still, give up altogether.

The best way to decide on a training process is to prepare a program that is not only designed to achieve the results that you are after, but also to fit in with your lifestyle.

If you devise a fitness program that is complimentary to your lifestyle then you are more likely to continue doing it and getting the benefits that you require.

If you work particular hours at a job, then you need to know that you will have the free time to exercise without it encroaching on other aspects of your life.

Once something becomes difficult to maintain, it is unlikely that you will continue to do it for any length of time.

While you might like to have a gym membership and workout for 2 hours every day, that might not be possible with your other commitments and rather than doing nothing at all you can still benefit from something more convenient that you can do regularly.

You might only have the time for a half hour walk every second day and that is OK because you are still getting exercise and it is adding to the quality of your life.

Any exercise is better than none at all.

To get the best out of your exercise, whether it is walking or lifting weights it is a good idea to record your progress.

Mark down each time you trained and what results you got from it.

Time your walks and see if you can do the same walk in less time or walk further in the same time.

Record how much weight you are lifting at the gym and how many repetitions you can achieve and then see if you can better those marks when you return.

Constant improvement no matter how small can lead to major changes over the course of a year.

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