Saturday, January 28, 2006

Create Unbalance to Get More out of Your Exercise

One of the reasons I highly recommend adding a swiss ball to your exercise routine is because it allows you to create unbalance in your exercises. That causes your muscles to work harder and your body core to develop.

If you don't have a swiss ball, you can still create that effect.

When you do your pushups, lift one leg during the exercise. Or do a pushup and, at the top of the movement, rotate one of your arms and point it to the ceiling to form a T. Change arms with each pushup.

Lift one leg off the floor while doing squats. You'll probably need to lightly hold on to something to keep your balance.

Or just lift your arms to the sky when doing a squat.

The idea is to create some inbalance so your muscles have to work harder and, in turn, your exercises become more effective.

But I am still going to highly recommend you consider a swiss ball. I just don't see a more effective way to create this effect for virtually every exercise you do.

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