Sunday, January 23, 2005

Exercise & Your Mind

Don't underestimate the importance of the mind in exercise. What do I mean by that?

If you get your mind to focus on the benefits of exercise, rather than the inconvenience or the work involved, you're more likely to stick with your program.

As a runner, it can be very tempting at times to cut the workout short or slow down near the end of my run; who is going to know?

Instead I tell myself, on some tough workout days we all have now and then, that I've only got a few minutes or another mile to go and then I'll feel great afterwards and I won't be wishing I had just done the extra time later. I don't know about you but I tend to beat myself up mentally if I shortchange my routine.

Put the negative thoughts out of your mind and concentrate on the benefits you are getting and see if that doesn't help you get through your workout and feel better later.

I will be adding more information soon at so be sure to stop by and check out this site.

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