Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Working the Abs

Abdominal exercises help you tone the abs and get that 6 pack look everyone wants but so few achieve. I'll give you a tip in this article that will make abdominal exercises more effective for you and really target the waistline.

Abs exercises alone will not get rid of the excess fat around the midsection. Cardiovascular exercise, along with a sensible diet, will achieve that. The abdominal exercises, on the other hand, will develop the muscles in the ab area and will tighten the midsection. You will look slimmer in the abs and , once you lose the fat in that area, the elusive six pack will start to become evident.

Hey, a chiseled midsection is probably not attainable by everyone. To get that chiseled look, you will be doing a lot of abdominal exercises, probably daily, at least until you lose your tummy and get that tight, firm look.

Rest of Ab Article

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

3 Effective Exercises to Work the Abs

Turbulence training is a way to make your workouts shorter, yet more effective.

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