Monday, April 16, 2007

Exercise with a Medicine Ball

medicine ball exercise for abs
Here is an excellent overall medicine ball exercise that particularly targets the abs.
Hold medicine ball with your arms extended overhead.

In one continuous motion bring the ball down in a circular motion.

Squat down so that the ball is just off of the ground during the bottom portion of the circle.

Repeat for prescribed repetitions and then reverse the circle.

More Medicine Ball Exercises

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


If you haven't stopped doing situps yet, today is a good day to stop.

Situps are hard on the back and simply do not work out the abs like you might think. Doing crunches and planks is much more effective and a lot easier on the back.

When you do the crunch, try this to make it more effective and to ease the back strain. Simply try to push your belly button to the floor. Sounds crazy but thst's a good way to think of it. This helps keep your lower back flat to the floor.