Thursday, September 21, 2006

How to Slash Your Exercise Time in Half!

Seriously. Slash your exercise time in half.


Use a swiss ball.

Listen - this is no gimmick. The exercise ball has been used in physical rehabilitation for many years but is recently hitting the main stream. The reason it works so well - the ball is round. It creates an unstableness when you do your exercises.

Everybody is talking about the body core muscles and they come into play with each exercise you do. These muscles have to continuously adjust to balance your body and keep you from falling off. They do it automatically (doesn't mean you won't fall off if you get a little careless).

So how do you slash your time in half?

Get down on the floor and do 2 sets of 20 pushups. Or 2 sets of 10; whatever you can do.

Now to be fair, you need to wait or do these the next day. Put your hands on the ball and begin doing your pushups. Whoa! Huh?! Feel your body shaking and quivering and your stomach muscles tightening.

If you was lucky, you might have been able to do half of what you did on the floor. If you did 2 sets of 20 pushups on the floor, you will get the same effect, and actually moreso, doing 2 sets of 10 pushups on the ball. Plus your body core muscles, including your abs, will have gotten a workout.

There are a lot of exercises you can do on the ball and I get emails all the time telling me how people who have started using the ball due to my recommendations on my website (and an ebook I wrote) love it. They work harder but actually seem to be enjoying it more.

When you get used to the ball, you can even do much of your weight training on it (Not real heavy weights - dumbbells are great). Remember, your core muscles continue to work.

Get a hold of a ball and see if you don't start enjoying your exercise more and get better results in half the time.